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How to Find a Mold Removal Specialist in Pasco County

When you need mold removal in Pasco County, you don’t want to hire just anyone to do the work. It’s far too easy to hire someone and then they don’t do things right or they don’t worry about safety of your structure. Mold is a material that should always be handled with caution.

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Why Using a Professional for Mold Remediation is Best

It is all too easy to find a spot of mold and think about handling mold remediation on your own. While you might be able to do some DIY mold cleanup, it's really best to use a professional. In this guide, we share some specific reasons that using a professional for mold restoration is the [...]
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4 Things You Should Know About Mold

Many people avoid mold removal because it can be costly. However, when you consider the difference between causing further damage or protecting your home and health, it’s an affordable solution. You likely already know that mold remediation or removal is important. But how much do you really know

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The 4 Most Common Places Mold is Found in Homes

None of us want to find mold in our homes, but it happens. Mold remediation is a professional means to get mold removed and restore your home to beauty and safety. These four household rooms are the most common places you might find mold. 1. Bathroom The bathroom is one of the main locations in [...]
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What Makes Someone Qualified to Handle Mold Remediation?

When you’re choosing a company to handle mold remediation, there are certain things to look for. You will hear people tell you to look for a certified or capable provider, but how do you know when someone really is qualified? Here are a few tips and things that you can investigate. Specialty Certification

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Can I Clean a Sewage Backup On My Own?

Dealing with sewage backup cleanup is something we never want to face, yet it happens. If you have something small like a toilet overflow that is stopped quickly, you can probably clean that up safely. Be sure to wear gloves and sanitize any affected areas. However, if you’re dealing with a larger

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5 Must-Know Facts About Mold

Many people shrug off mold removal or think that they can just handle it on their own. While there may be rare times that this could be true, the majority of the time it actually isn't. Not only will you have to worry about mold spreading, but there are also the hazards and risks associated [...]
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What Kind of Mold Do I Have?

Part of the mold remediation process is understanding the type of mold that you may be facing. Some molds can be quite dangerous, while others are considered to be harmless, aside from the damage that they cause. Not all mold restoration companies will do testing on the mold, but most of them can inspect

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What Do You Do After a Burst Pipe?

A burst pipe will rapidly lead to water damage. You will need to act fast and carefully. It can be hard not to panic when something like this happens, but it's certainly helpful if you can keep a level head. We've put together a few simple tips to help you out after a pipe bursts. [...]
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4 Reasons DIY Mold Removal is Not Recommended

One of the things that water often does is cause mold. When it comes to mold removal, you need to be very cautious. There are times when DIY processes could potentially make your mold worse if you aren’t careful. Doing the removal process DIY is not recommended for several reasons. Take a look at

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